Archive for October, 2009

Hippity Hoppity Bowie

Wednesday, October 28th, 2009

Damn and fuck I’ve been busy. If it’s not visiting relatives or visiting friends its swine flu, or in the case of this week – work and funerals. I really hope my November is better than my October. Anyways…music!

David Bowie
Fame 90 (with Queen Latifah)
Fame 90 (House Mix)
Fame 90 (Hip Hop Mix)
Fame 90 (Absolutely Nothing Premeditated/Epic Mix)

Fame is a great song. So great that it can withstand some of the most overproduced remix effects that 1990 had to offer, although in some cases it fairs worse than others. The house mix is alright, the Hip Hop mix is good (and not at all hip hop so don’t worry), the Epic Mix is just that – clocking in at over 14 minutes, and the mix with Queen Latifah is the kind of wondrous WTF train wreck that only 1990 could produce. All are worth at least one listen. Although none hold a candle to the original. Why fuck with a classic?

Sugar Daddy
Another One Bites The Dust
So…this is a 1980 hip-hop track that is nothing more than a rap over an instrumental track of Queen’s “Another One Bites The Dust.” I don’t think it wants to be a rap song though, as Sugar Daddy (AKA Kevin Woodley – who is apparently BIG on self-promotion) says the word “disco” about a billion and a half times. It’s very Golden Age, with a cadence taken straight out of “Rapper’s Delight” with added “Oh yeahs!” Utterly ridiculous and a hell of a lot of fun.

Insert Clever "See You/Swine Flu" Pun Here

Friday, October 23rd, 2009

I am beginning to feel not-so-dead. I will celebrate this amazing occasion with Depeche Mode. It’s how I celebrate all things worth celebrating, and several things not worth celebrating.

And yes, I know I could have made a Black Celebration joke there, but I’m above that. Actually, I’m too tired to think of one.

Depeche Mode
My Secret Garden (Live)
See You (Live)
Satellite (Live)
Tora! Tora! Tora! (Live)
New Life (Live)
Boys Say Go! (Live)
Nothing To Fear (Live)
The Meaning Of Love (Live)
Just Can’t Get Enough (Live)
A Photograph Of You (Live)
Shout (Live)
Photographic (Live)

There are a finite number of vinyl/limited edition Depeche Mode releases out there. And I’m assuming that not all of will make their way to Jerry’s Records, located on 2135 Murray Ave. in Pittsburgh, PA. However, as long as they do I’ll keep buying them. These tracks are from three separate limited edition singles, when you take all the B-sides to them they form what is probably a complete concert, recorded at the Hammersmith Odeon on the 25th of October, 1982. That’s right, these singles are like Voltron – powerful on their own but when combined they form something unstoppable! Okay, I don’t know how “unstoppable” Depeche Mode live is but you get my drift.

Flu me

Wednesday, October 21st, 2009

Ugh, this is only my third post this month! I was going to kick ass as be all prolific this week but I am currently ill. I have the flu, possibly of the swine variety. It’s not fun. Right now I’m functioning on Sudafed alone. I got so much of that shit in me that you could cook meth from my blood.

However, I am a many of my word and promised more ridiculous Moroder insanity this week, so here it is.

Giorgio Moroder & Joe Esposito – Solitary Men
Solitary Man
Show Me The Night
My Girl
Too Hot To Touch
Diamond Lizzy
Washed in The Neon Light
A Love Affair
Nights in White Satin (has a skip in the first minute, sorry!)
Lady, Lady
White Hotel
To Turn The Stone

I was presented with quite the moral quandary with this one. This is NOT a good album, in fact, it’s quite awful. However, it is very hard to get in America and it is excessively weird and of note for a number of reasons. For that I feel it is worth posting and talking about. However, I can not downplay just how awful this record is. If you don’t recognize either of the people responsible for it then I suggest moving along and coming back later in the week. Otherwise…

If you’re a regular visitor to this blog then you probably know who Giorgio Moroder is. I talked about him briefly in my last post and I will once again point those who want to know more to his Wikipedia page.

But who is Joe Esposito you ask? You fool! Why he’s only the singer/songwriter behind the best non-Rocky sports movie montage song of the 80s! That song is of course “You’re The Best” from The Karate Kid, a ridiculous piece of motivational tripe that should be on your iPod’s workout playlist.

I have more to say, but I’m very tired, so screw it. Sorry.

PS: “Lady, Lady” is fucking gross.

Thank you for reminding me what a fine actor Bill Pullman Is

Thursday, October 15th, 2009

You can all stop doing that now.

Sorry for the delay in posts, been a busy couple of weeks. I make up for lost time by bringing you excessively silly disco!

Munich Machine
A Whiter Shade Of Pale
It’s For You
It’s All Wrong (But It’s Alright)
La Nuit Blanche
Love Fever
In Love With Love

Munich Machine was an alias for Giorgio Moroder. For those of you less versed in…awesome, Moroder is a music god, go to his wiki page to learn more, I’m tired. And while Moroder is responsible for some of the best tracks of the 70s and 80s, you won’t find any of them on this release. Yes, this is lesser Moroder for sure, but still fun in its own way. Some of it is great for its stupidity; the cover of “A Whiter Shade Of Pale” is re-goddam-diculous, and “La Nuit Blanche” is a silly disco take on “Also Sprach Zarathustra” (aka the music from the opening of 2001: A Space Odyssey). However, there are some stellar tracks here. “It’s For You” has an excellent haunting bassline that is just waiting to be sampled by someone and “In Love With Love” is vocoder-filled masterpiece. Sure, this is all cheesy and kind of silly, but who the hell cares? Besides, it’s all fine art compared to the Moroder album I’ll be putting up sometime next week…

Shit in my Angry Chair

Monday, October 5th, 2009

So on Friday I went to a local theater to see a double-feature of Nightmare On Elm Street and Candyman. I’m cool like that. My friend that was supposed to go with me couldn’t escape a work engagement so I went on my own, knowing I would meet a couple of friends when I got there. Nightmare On Elm Street starts and for some reason I go from zero to pissy in about six seconds. Hand nothing to do with the movie (which I love) it had to do with some people in the audience, who would not stop giggling. I get that the movie is old and a little dated, but it’s not FUNNY (okay, Johnny Depp getting blended to death is, but that’s really about it).

Still, while their non-stop giggling was annoying, I was far more annoyed with it than I should have been. This was on me not them. The movie ends and it’s time for intermission. I go out to talk to my friends about next week’s double-feature which is the Italian horror classic Zombi and the amazing 1987 Kathyrn Bigelow vampire flick Near Dark. I’m trying to sell Near Dark to my skeptic friends who haven’t seen it, playing up the awesomeness of Bill Paxton using a decapitated head to go bowling. One of them says “I loved him in Independence Day!”

“That’s Bill Pullman,” I say, correcting them. I’ve never understood the confusion between the two and it’s a big pet peeve. Bill Paxton; True Lies, Aliens, Apollo 13, Fragile. Bill Pullman: Independence Day, Lost Highway…and that’s about it. I’m a fan of the Paxton. Another friend, a very very good friend of mine, then says, “Does he eat fruit with the skin still on it in this one?” I’m confused and ask for some elaboration. She says, “You know, like he did in K-Pax.”

“That was Kevin Spacey you fucking retard!” I yell at her. Judging from the reactions to those around me I realize that was a bit harsh. I then realize that I am not being very good company that night and I take off early, skipping Candyman because I’m afraid any inappropriate giggling may end with me hurting someone.

The point of this story is that when you have your own blog you can talk about whatever the fuck you want even if it doesn’t have any relevance to anything else, or even a conclusion.

David Bowie
I’m Afraid Of Americans (V2)
I’m Afraid Of Americans (V3)
I’m Afraid Of Americans (V4)
I’m Afraid Of Americans (V5)
I’m Afraid Of Americans (V6)

My brother’s name is Johnny, ergo I find this song funny. These remixes are from a CD single. V3 features Ice Cube. V5 was remixed by Photek. v6 sucks. But don’t take my word for it, find out yourselves.

Alice In Chains
It Ain’t Like That (Live)
Hate To Feel (Live)

The new Alice In Chains album is actually fucking incredible. William Duvall is a great vocalist, reminiscent of Layne without sounding like a cheap imitation. Buy it. While you do that listen to these classic live Alice In Chains cuts taken from the CD single to Angry Chair.