Archive for the ‘Star Trek’ Category

To Boldy Go Where Many Blogs have Gone Before

Friday, May 22nd, 2009

Newsflash, I’m a nerd. And as a nerd I enjoy Star Trek.

I’ve seen the new movie three times now (twice on IMAX) and I plan on seeing it at least three more times in the theater if I have anything to say about it. It’s held up on each viewing and I’m beginning to think it just might be my favorite movie of all time. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen a movie I’ve liked that much in the theatre. Dark Knight was great, but it sure was flawed (and too long). And a lot of my all-time favorite movies (Aliens, Clerks, A Clockwork Orange to name a few) I didn’t see in the theatres.

I guess the only movie going experiences I can compare to Star Trek in terms of how they made me feel are the first Spider-Man film, Rushmore, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and The Last of the Mohicans. An odd list for sure, but I fell in love with each of those films because they touched me in unique ways. Spider-Man made be believe in movies again, and restored my faith that sometimes a studio can actually not fuck something up (let’s not talk about Spider-Man 3 okay?). Rushmore is just a great fucking movie, and one that I identified with in ways I can’t even describe, I saw that flick four times in the theatres, a record that will finally break when I see Star Trek a few more times this month. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade is just a great fun movie, and I think it was the last action movie I saw “as a kid” that really captured my imagination. On the flip side of that was The Last of the Mohicans, a decidedly adult action film that I appreciated on a more mature level admiring its cinematography and amazing score. It was also the first movie that I remember being happy that I saw it on a big screen because it was so damn beautiful.

I guess Star Trek kind of hits on all four of those points. It gives me faith that some people out there actually know what the fuck they are doing, I identify with it in strangely personal ways, I enjoy it the way a kid would, and I respect and appreciate it as a piece of great filmmaking (the film looks and sounds AMAZING). I think you can add to that the sense of nostalgia it brings to me. Although I was never a huge fan of the original series growing up, I used to watch TNG all the time with my parents, and it remains one of the few pop culture points my dad and I have in common.

Whatever the reason is, I fucking love that movie. And I know it’s going to be all I want to talk about for at least another week or so. Thankfully I was able to dig out some Star Trek related stuff in my vast music library, so I can fulfill my nerd trekkie needs and update this blog all at the same time!

Inside Star Trek
This was an album released by Columbia records in 1977. Let’s put that date in context; by 1977 the original series of Star Trek had been off the air for eight years, and the first movie was still two years away. So fans at the time were clamoring for anything Trek related. Star Trek conventions had taken off, and regularly featured appearances by Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry and various cast members. This album mainly consists for speeches and talks given at various Star Trek conventions, with some other stuff thrown in for good measure. It’s a little uneven, and pretty dated, but fans of the show should enjoy hearing Roddenberry talk, and its an interesting time capsule of what the fandom was like in 1977.

Inside Stark Trek
Star Trek Theme
A quick introduction followed by the original theme song.

William Shatner Meets Captain Kirk
This isn’t Shatner interviewing Kirk, thank god, but Roddenberry interviewing Shatner. Most of these stories have been told before and since but it’s always fun to hear Shatner being Shatner.

The Origin of Spock
A quick speech from Roddenberry about how Spock changed from the inception of the show to the original pilot to the final version we are know and love. Very funny with a great punchline.

Sarek’s Son Spock
Mark Leonard talks in character as Sarek to Gene Roddenberry. A lot of time is spent on Vulcan mating, including how a human woman could be seriously injured during form it. It’s kind of creepy to be honest.

The Questor Affair
Roddenberry tells his story about The Questor Tapes, a failed pilot that was never more than a movie-of-the-week. It’s an interesting bit of Star Trek history since much of it was the basis for Data. Roddenberry rants about network censorship (a common theme of this LP) and finishes with a semi-dirty joke (another common theme of this LP).

The Enterprise Runs Aground
Gene Roddenberry was a perv, I think this speech of his about sexuality and gender equality on the Enterprise proves it.

McCoy’s Rx For Life
DeForest Kelly talks to Roddenberry about life, the universe and everything, he sounded like a pretty awesome dude.

The Star Trek Philosophy
Well, this is what it’s all about. This should really be called Gene Roddenberry’s Philosophy, since he pretty much sums up his entire world view in about four and half minutes. He also goes into detail as to why he thinks the show became show popular later on, while attacking anyone who tries to exploit it. A well-spoken speech, if a little snarky.

Asimov’s World Of Science Fiction
Geekgasm alert: this is Gene Roddenberry interviewing Isaac Asimov. They talk about their legacies and what they consider science-fiction to be. Interesting stuff.

A Letter From a Network Censor
Roddenberry speaking at a Star Trek convention again, this time doing a little bit about how he feels about network executives by reading network notes regarding The Bible. Kind of stupid but funny.

The Star Trek Dream
This closer is similar to “The Star Trek Philosophy” and features Roddenberry waxing nostalgic about his past and how he got into science fiction.

I might have another post tomorrow, if not, more stuff (both Trekkie and not) next week.